Volunteer Program FAQs



How do I fill out my Volunteer Profile?

You can fill out your volunteer profile on your Volunteer Dashboard. You will find your profile in the column on the left side of your screen. Profile demographics include your closest city, willingness to travel, volunteer interests, areas of expertise, and languages spoken. 
Be as detailed as you can! The more we know about you, the better we can match you to opportunities suited to your interests and skillset.

Who can see my Volunteer Profile?

Only PAA staff and yourself are able to see your Volunteer Profile.

How do I apply for volunteer opportunities?

You can view available opportunities on your Volunteer Dashboard. The Opportunities List is at the bottom of the page. Browse for an opportunity that interests you. You will be able to apply for the opportunity on its page once you click on it.

Why can't I apply for the opportunity I'm interested in?

Some opportunities are restricted to certain membership types. If you can't apply for an opportunity, it may be that that particular one requires a certain membership type.

How do I earn Volunteer Points?

You can earn Volunteer Points by completing volunteer opportunites. Points are awarded based on the difficulty of and length of time spent on an opportunity.

What do I do with my Volunteer Points?

Volunteers earn badges and rewards based on how many Volunteer Points they've accumulated. Different badges correspond with different Volunteer tiers. As you earn more points and climb the tiers, you will have access to more benefits and rewards.

What is an EXP+ Certificate?

The EXP+ program is a volunteer recognition program based on Employment and Social Development Canada’s National Occupational Classification. If you have accumulated enough volunteer points, or are a core volunteer, you may request an EXP+ Certificate attesting to your role and the skills associated. Click here to learn more about the EXP+ program.